I got a visit from Wolfgang HB9RYZ. He provides me his portable equipment for QO-100.
We installed the tiny Camping dish on our veranda. It was aroundd 0° Celsius outside. In a few weeks, the weather conditions willbe an other.
Also we installed the SDR Console on my notebook. After some try and configurations, we got a remarkable clear signal from QO-100.
You will find a detail documentation about HB9RYZ portable QO-100 station on his Webside.
Now I have to learn some operating skills with the SDR Console in the next days. With my standard equipment at my home station, I use SDR Console only for receiving. Now I have to figure
out, how it works with transmitting in Split mode. And there is also a log programm, that I have it to use in the same time. I think, there is not enough space on my notebook monitor
The packing list will also be a challenge: I have only 25kg for the whole luggage. For the moment I have:
- 13kg of SCUBA Diving Equipment
- 8kg of Underwater photo equipment
- 8kg of Hamradio Equipment
hmmm, that will be challenge...
In fact: There a few more things to do on my task list for my adventure...
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