There are some strange thing going on, since my planned expedition is public. The're qsl managers, who offer for service, and also qsl print services. I did several minor expeditons in the past. But tat ist new for me.
Ok how ever
Now, I have not only a virtual copy of the license: Last week, I found a huge letter in my postbox. And I must say: The stamps are amazing - so colourful. But the postman had to fight with a heavy snow storm and the paper got wet - No wory: I got the orignial License from the Maldives in perfect shape :-)
Ok, one task fewer on my Pre Holiday DX Pedition checklist.
Today, I packed all my dive and underwaterphoto gear. The Box with the transceiver and antenna is also ready for packing. That means, that I'm done with the Equipment check. On the Laptop, I have still some task to doo. The sdr Console is ready for action. Now I have installed an offline log, virtual cable, WSJT-X and KG-STV. Yes, I will do some digi modes too via QO-100. It's for the time, when I have to be quiet in the resort.
EQSL, Clublog and QRZ.com is ready. Also I got the Cert File from the LoTW.
So for now, it looks good for the big adventure. But there is one last thing to do... It's also an test. A Covid test a few days before departure. Let's keep the fingers crossing....
All infos on my 8Q7AO Website
Kommentar schreiben
Tony (Mittwoch, 03 Februar 2021 14:52)
And why haven't you accepted a QSL Manager then? It would have been very wonderful to get a nice QSL from Maldives in addition to Lotw
Michael, Hb9WDF (Mittwoch, 03 Februar 2021 19:33)
Hi Tony
Thanks for asking. If you will get a paper card as well, it's not a problem. All details are on the Mainsite of the expedtion.
And for a holliday Expedition with ust a few hunderts of QSO's, I can manage that my myself. It's an honour for me and a kind of hamspirit.
73s Michael