First of all: Thank you for the huge interest in AQ7AO. I never had such experience on a DX-pedition.
The immigration in Male was no problem. TThey scanned all of my things and had no reason to do a deeper check.
In Vilamendhoo, I was surprised about the location. Our Water Bungalow has the right angle in to the west for QO-100. And I have plenty of space, to put all my equipment in the right place.
After check-in in the dive center, I activated the first time my portable equipment. For his point: I'm not the owner of this and take no credits for that. My sponsor is HB9RYZ. He had build the whole setup. For sure, it's an honour for me to do the first qso with Wolfgang, HB9RYZ. My signal was not the best. After the qso, i made some fine tuning on it. Then my signal was much better on the satellit. After a few qso's in in simplex, one of my craziest times in hamradio begun. I changed my operating in split mode. And more and more stations called my. After 30minutes, I saw a bright glowing on the waterfall right of my qrg. Up to 50kHz wide.
I never saw a so huge pile-up. Not on shortwave and never on satellit.

Difficult for me was to select a station out of this mush. Without a VFO knob its hard to select a clear signal just with the mouse on the SDR Console. At the same time, I logged the QSO in Log4om. My notebook was on the edge of the resources. A huge latency in the SDR Console and also in Log4om. That is one of the reason, why I'm sometimes not so quick to log a qso.
That's my workplace: (And yes, at this moment, I was in qso - no pile-up)

Now, I have over 350 qso's in the log. Tomorrow, I will do a quality check of the data. Then I will upload the first bunch to LoTW. Sometimes, the internet connection is broken. That's the reason, why I don't have a live stream to Clublog.
See you on the air.
I write the blog in english to improve my english language. I know, it's not perfect. But I like such challenges.
Kommentar schreiben
Martin, DL1ZU (Mittwoch, 27 Januar 2021 21:07)
Michael, you are doing a great job !
Glad to found the way intro your logbook :-)
Michael, 8Q7AO/HB9WDF (Donnerstag, 28 Januar 2021 16:46)
Thanks Martin :-)
73s Michael