This is it - the final of my 8Q7AO expedition. At the moment, when I write this lines, I seaw how is snowing outside. There are 5cm of snow outside... Good to have good fresh memories about the warm weather on Vilamendhoo Island.
592 QSO's are in the log. For the low activite on my site it's a good count. There are around 500 unique stations from 38 countries in my log. All qso's are uploaded to LoTW. Clublog and eQSL will folow.
At the upcomming weekend, I will choose a picture for the paper qsl design. Yes, the're still many hams who collect paper qsl's I found fife direct qsl cards in my post box after returning.
There are also a few post expedition task to do. Sure, I will write an article for the AMSAT-DL Journal and HB-Radio about my activities. But I will buid also my own portable satellite setup for LEO and QO-100. I have some ideas.
But the best ting from my expedition was an act of Hamspirit, initiated by Charly, DK3ZL.
During my stay on Vilamendhoo, I had some chats with Charly. Charly is also a passionate scuba diver. He knows the Maldives dive scene from the very early days. And he knows some native divers and hams from the Maldive.
One of them is Ibrahim, 8Q7QC. Because of my activities, Charly get in touch with Ibrahim after a very long time again. Ibrahim is very interested in QO-100. But on the Maldives it's not so easy to get such equipment.
Charly and I talked about the possibility, to leave the QO-100 setup on the Maldives. I connected Charly with Wolfgang, HB9RYZ, the owner of my equipment. Both were very quick agreed about a deal. I got from both a "go" to leave the QO-100 setup in the Maldives. Also I did spend my part in this, and put my Heil-Headset in the Box.
Our plan was easier to implement then we have expected: 8Q7QC works for the same Company, who runs also the resort in Vilamendhoo. The staff was very helpfull and boxed up the equipment very carefull for shipping to Kuredu. Charly will now assist Ibrahim to get his callsign very quick to QO-100.
By the way: I still miss 8Q7 in my personal logbook. I'm very excited, to work Ibrahim soon on QO-100.
The holiday expedition was a success and I'm very happy that many stations got a new one on satellit. I learned a lot about DX-Pedition, how working pile-up in split mode and get involved in a truly great hamspirit. For now, I have some ideas for a future expedition. But for the moment, we will wait, how the worldwide situation with Covid will change.
For the final: Here are some more underwater pictures from the South Ari Atoll, Maldives.
8Q7AO QRT, 73s
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